Sun, 09 Oct
|Stavanger, Norge
“M.I.S. – All Night Long” takes measure of modern man. What’s up? And how is he really doing – underneath those woolen socks and comfy sandals? Here you meet the dazed and confused; the grown dude who was raised in the 1970’s as a bouncing ball between role models from Dirty Harry to Sesame Street. In a hard-boiled mix of jackass stunts, slapstick comedy and raw physicality three men get off the fence; Out of their comfort zone to come to grips with their inner beast, the Latino lover, the pushover, the best buddy – and all the others – in a quiet battle for a man’s right to be himself.
Time & Location
09 Oct 2022, 19:00
Stavanger, Norge, Stavanger Konserthus, Sandvigå 1
About the event
”M.I.S. - natten lang” tager pulsen på den moderne rådvilde mand - den voksne drengerøv med det store ego, opvokset med 70’ernes bløde værdier, blandt rollemodeller som Dirty Harry og Alfons Åbergs far. For hvordan har han det i virkeligheden, inde under de uldne sokker og de komfortable sandaler?